
The Malians
The Malians focus on strong economic play, making gold and spending gold, and prefer strategic hit-and-run tactics with their unique infantry units instead of prolonged military battles.
In Age of Empires IV, the civilization of the Malians spans the years from the pre-imperial Mali Empire period in the 11th century CE to the early 16th century CE. Uniting from a collection of independent kingdoms, the Malian civilization coalesced into one of the most influential West African empires in history, as well as one of the richest trading nations of all-time.

Playing the Malians in Age IV
The civilization of the Malians leverages their influence and economic prowess to empower their civilization on the road to victory.
They’re able to construct Pit Mines on top of Gold Deposits to automatically generate a steady stream of gold over time and can invest that gold back into their unique Cattle food source.
Through their military units, the Malians skew towards those looking for gameplay that focuses on ambush or hit-and-run style combat, avoiding lengthy battles whenever possible because of their lack of heavy armor.
The Malians Units at a Glance

Musofadi Warrior
The Musofadi Warrior is a female warrior, who excels at ambush and stealth tactics.
Their lower health and armor are offset by their high speed and damage, supporting their hit-and-run ambush style of combat.

Javelin Thrower
The Javelin Thrower is a skilled skirmisher that replaces the crossbowmen for the Malians.
As an excellent counter to ranged units, they deal bonus damage and have additional range when compared to archers.

The Donso is the anti-cavalry hunter-warrior of the Malians charging into battle with their spear and shield.
They’re also equipped with a javelin which enables ranged combat and is automatically thrown at their target when not in melee combat.

Musofadi Warrior
The Musofadi Warrior is a female warrior, who excels at ambush and stealth tactics.
Their lower health and armor are offset by their high speed and damage, supporting their hit-and-run ambush style of combat.

Javelin Thrower
The Javelin Thrower is a skilled skirmisher that replaces the crossbowmen for the Malians.
As an excellent counter to ranged units, they deal bonus damage and have additional range when compared to archers.

The Donso is the anti-cavalry hunter-warrior of the Malians charging into battle with their spear and shield.
They’re also equipped with a javelin which enables ranged combat and is automatically thrown at their target when not in melee combat.
The Malians through the Ages

Age 1
In Age 1, the Malians see a boost to their early economy and research thanks to Open Pit Mines. Using their early gold generation to their advantage, they’re able to afford more tech earlier than other civilizations. The Donso, a powerful unique unit can, help fend off early threats the Malians might face as they explore the unknown.

Age 2
In Age 2, the Malians can expand their trade routes with the new Toll Outposts, which generate additional gold for passing caravans. The Musofadi Warrior becomes available, giving the Malians a new avenue for early raiding on opponents while expanding their empire.

Age 3
In Age 3, using their accelerated resources can start producing units en masse via their Gold Barracks landmark, giving timely reinforcements to expand their hit-and-run raiding and ambushes. Expanded technologies for the Sofa Horsemen, Archers, and Donso means even more tools to put pressure on their opponents. For Archers, the unique upgrade Poisoned Arrows becomes available, causing arrows to inflict additional damage over time.

Age 4
In Age 4, Malians can start creating global buffs through their Griot Bara landmark, giving the player different options to increase their economy, additional firepower to add to their siege attacks, or increase their military production to further hit their opponents from all directions. The Musofadi Gunner also joins the fray, giving the Malians another deadly force making use of stealth. Through their own unique ability, they’re able to activate stealth for a short period of time even outside of stealth forests.